Critical Illness in Singapore: The Next War

In Singapore, we are safe from natural disasters and crimes. However, we are not spared from illness. Critical illness in Singapore is ranked #2 and indirectly #1 for the top worries for Singaporeans. This is because a critical illness might lead to an involuntary unemployment.

(Source: What worries Singaporeans, inequality and playing a part in policy development)


Critical Illness Singapore Worry
Critical Illness Singapore Worry


In 2016, we have DECLARED WAR not on a country but on Diabetes. I still remember the National Rally where the Prime Minster of Singapore talked about Diabetes. (Source: Parliament: Health Minister Gan Kim Yong declares ‘war on diabetes’). We are also aware that the war of the future will be a health crisis. (Just look at what COVID-19 did to cripple our economy)

The critical illness war will destroy our income source, rob our family funds and take away the reasonable lifestyle that you are having. For those that are slightly older, the war will erode your retirement funds and you might need to continue to work to pay for fund your treatment.


Critical Illness Singapore Reasons To Act Now
Critical Illness Singapore Reasons To Act Now

(Source: Be in the know about critical illness plans)

In my previous article, we talked about the change in the definition of critical illness that is coming soon on 26 Aug 2020. In this article, want to find out which critical illness most people are concerned of in Singapore.


This is a part of a 3 parts series article.


Cancer War

In Singapore, about 39 people are diagnosed with cancer every day, 15 people die of cancer every day, and 1 in 4 people may develop cancer in their lifetime. (Source: Common Types of Cancer, Singapore Cancer Society)

Putting things into perspective, a typical household in Singapore is 4 people. That would mean one of them will develop a cancer in their lifetime. Cancer remains the top cause of death here, with around one in three dying of it now (2015). (Source: Sharp rise in number diagnosed with cancer, Straits Times)

With the high probability, it is no wonder people are concern about the Cancer War.

Critical Illness Singapore Cancer
Critical Illness Singapore Cancer


Heart Attack and Stroke War

Every day, 17 people die from cardiovascular disease (heart diseases and stroke) in Singapore. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 29.2% of all deaths in 2018. This means that almost 1 out of 3 deaths in Singapore, is due to heart diseases or stroke. (Source: Singapore Heart Foundation)

It is the number 2 killer in Singapore after cancer. The risk factors are very common in Singapore. These includes high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, too much stress, inactive lifestyle etc. Sounds familiar? (Source: Heart Attack: Healthhub SG)

Based on statistics from the Health Promotion Board in 2017, it seems like the occurrence will continue to go up.

Critical Illness Singapore Heart Attack
Critical Illness Singapore Heart Attack


C-War II

The ultimate horror is when cancer strike twice. With medical advancement, survival rates are also getting higher.

Over 35 years, the proportion of men who survive a cancer diagnosis by at least five years has gone up from 13.2 per cent in 1973 to 1977, to 48.5 per cent in 2008 to 2012. For the same period, women survivors more than doubled from 28 per cent to 57.1 per cent. (Source: More in Singapore getting cancer, but survival rates also up)

For people who have previously been diagnosed with cancer, this risk of getting another cancer is up to 30 per cent. And this risk continues to increase as they live – for patients who have undergone cancer treatments in the past, the longer the period after treatment has been completed, the higher the risk of developing another cancer. (Source: when two or more cancers strike)

Here is a real story of a person going through C-War II. “I didn’t need to go to the toilet; there was no urine at all,” says the 37-year old, who had to go for four-hour dialysis sessions three times a week from 2004 to 2008. (Source: It Changed My Life: One body blow after another, but he fights on)


What should you do?

The problem will still be there even if you don’t face it.

Firstly, check if you have adequate critical illness coverage. Follow up with your financial consultant or you can contact me if you don’t have one. Your coverage amount will be determined by your age, whether you have a family, number of dependents, etc.

Do it before 26 August 2020, After 26 August 2020, all critical illness policies in Singapore will have to follow the new definition as stated by the LIA.

Take Care and Stay Safe!


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