Wealthdojo organises workshops catered to the general public on a monthly basis. There is also exclusive seminars held privately for members of the Wealthdojo community and his clients. The workshops are organised to help individuals make better decision in their wealth management journey so that they can reach the level of retirement they want.

The workshops are now conducted on zoom due to COVID19.


Money Maximization: REV© Best Saving Account In Singapore

REV is a strategy that has helped many Singaporeans get highest interest in their bank accounts. It provides a step by step strategy to create more interest out of their money.

The rules of the strategy is very simple.

There should be no product, no commission and also no fees involved.

After months of trials and errors, finally the R.E.V. Strategy was born.The R.E.V. Strategy can create an average* of $1200 additional passive income a year just by understanding how banks work. First, we need to understand what the banks are looking for and also your own spending habits.

The R.E.V. Strategy has several advantage.

  1. How to increase their ROI on your money
  2. Guaranteed returns and low lock in period
  3. There are no product, commission or fees
The Best Saving Account in Singapore REV 2
The Best Saving Account in Singapore REV 2


CPF Optimization and Opportunity

This is our most popular webinar in 2018, 2019 and 2020. It answers the question on “Will you ever get to see your money back”

While many people are concerned about the fairness of CPF, we believe that finding the best possible way to benefit from the CPF is a much better approach in financial planning. You will learn the following.

  1. What is CPF?
  2. How CPF can help you in your retirement?
  3. Will you become a CPF millionaire ?
  4. When will you get your money back?
  5. Is your CPF enough for retirement?
  6. CPF endgame: Optimize your CPF Life
  7. CPF Mistakes
  8. CPF accrued interest trap
  9. CPF Growth Strategies
Retirement Secure CPF Maximisation
Retirement Secure CPF Maximisation


Insurance For Investors

Buying insurance cannot change your life but it can prevent your lifestyle from being changed. ~ Jack Ma.

Insurance for investors answers the following questions

  1. If you is an investing right now, do you still need insurance?
  2. Should you cancel some of your insurance policies now that you know your investment can make you money?
  3. The “forgotten” cost for retirement
  4. Your “Golden Freedom Value” so you can be sure to be financially free using insurance
  5. Whether you are overpaying or underpaying for insurance
  6. What if your insurer decides to sell their business arm
  7. 3 Lessons that critical illness survivor learnt
Jack Ma Insurance For Investors Quotes
Jack Ma Insurance For Investors Quotes


Retirement Secure

This is our second most popular webinar. It will be combining the best of insurance, your investment, your annuity and CPF to give you the retirement that you want. We aim to help combine the most common tools for financial planning to give people the assurance of retirement. It addressed the following question.

  1. How you can continue to pay for your hospitalization premium even after you stop working?
  2. I have my CPF and some cash. Is it enough to last me throughout my life?
  3. How should I allocate my money during retirement?
Retirement Secure Participants
Retirement Secure Participants


Financial Wizardry Program (Corporate)

This is our flagship program that is for companies and schools who is interested to give their staff or students a headstart in their wealth management journey.

How many people do you know who struggle with money, who can’t save, who don’t earn enough, who don’t know where their money goes to at the end of the month, or who can’t figure out what to do next with their careers?

We aim to give you the knowledge and power to take your financial journey into your own hands. Through a hands-on session. You will have the opportunity to learn the following.

  1. Understand why people struggle with money, can’t save and don’t know where their money goes to at the end of the month
  2. Understand how the 3G Freedom Framework helps ordinary people achieve financial freedom
  3. Automate your financial freedom fund so that your habits won’t control you
  4. Create an insurance portfolio to avoid financial pitfalls so that you can shave off years rebuilding your savings
  5. Understand why saving in a bank isn’t the best option.
Financial Wizardry Program Wealthdojo
Financial Wizardry Program Wealthdojo


Options Wealth Intensive (Private/By Invitation)

Ask any retail investor on the streets and they will share with you a story on someone who lost money in the stock market. Although there is no exact data to show how many people lose money, ask any friends and they will seem to know someone lost money before.

Options Wealth Intensive is a introduction seminar to the world of investing using options.

You will learn the following in the 8 modules that we have:

  1. Top 3 reasons why people lose money in the stock market (Module #1)
  2. What is options (Module #2 to #3)
  3. How can you use options  in the stock market (Module #4 to #6)
  4. Options strategies (Module #7 to #8)

This workshop is currently on a By-Invitation Basis. You can only attend this program if you are introduced by a friend of Wealthdojo.

Options Wealth Intensive
Options Wealth Intensive


We hope to see you in one of our seminar/webinars.


No one will care about your money as much as you do.

In Wealth Management, it is important to Pay yourself first. Beware of scams. Before you invest in any company or popular investment opportunity, be sure to do your own due diligence. If you wish to learn more about Wealth Management, I hope to nurture genuine relationships with all of my readers.

Check out my most popular blog post in 2020 so far: 5 mistakes people make using their CPF.

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