How to get the highest yield by not buying an product or services? How I do optimally get the highest interest in my bank account? REV is a strategy that has helped many Singaporeans get highest interest in their bank accounts.
Wealthdojo: How to get the best saving account in Singapore
Many people saving money in their bank accounts face a challenge. The interest they get is 0.05% and fall below the inflation of 1.3% in Singapore. (Source: CNA article 24/06/2019 Singapore’s core inflation remains at 1.3% in May)
This means if you save $100,000 in the bank account to accumulate the interest, the ACTUAL VALUE of your money is worth be $50,000 in 30 years time. (Assume 2% inflation and no additional contributions). Imagine how will they affect your retirement.
You have effectively watched the value of your hard earned money DISAPPEAR by HALF by "saving"
While there are many tools out there to maximize interest, is it easy for people to follow?
Surely there is something out there that can give people more interest on their money. Is there a best saving account that people can use?
The rules of the strategy is very simple. There should be no product, no commission and also no fees involved. After months of trials and errors, finally the R.E.V. Strategy was born.
The R.E.V. Strategy can create an average* of $1200 additional passive income a year just by understanding how banks work. First, we need to understand what the banks are looking for and also your own spending habits. The R.E.V. Strategy has several advantage.
1) How to increase their ROI on $ they have set aside waiting for crisis using the REV Strategy. This strategy has guaranteed returns and low lock in period.
2) There are no product, commission or fees.
3) You can do it at home.
*Figure for a typical Singaporean.
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