This is period of time where you will hear people say this,

How come time passes so fast?
In the final series of Wealthdojo of 2019, we will be combining the best of insurance, your investment, your annuity and CPF to give you the retirement that you want.
Most people feel overwhelmed by the amount of information out there when it comes to retirement. They have to process through tons on information on top of the challenges of their current job and family needs. We aim to help combine the most common tools for financial planning to give people the assurance of retirement.
In the final series, we will be touching on TOP KEY REASON why people think they cannot retire.
How you can continue to pay for your hospitalization premium even after you stop working?
Most people are afraid they will not be able to afford the increasing premiums. This is especially so when they stop working. We will going through a little known method to assure people how to continue to pay for their premiums even when they stopped working.
I have my CPF and some cash. Is it enough to last me throughout my life?
The final worry for financial planning is “Living too long”. We will be going through an RAC (Retirement Adequacy Calculation) to find out if you have enough even if you ‘live too long”.
How should I allocate my money during retirement?
Depending on your characteristics, you might allocate your money differently. We aim to provide each and every of you a PAT (Portfolio Allocation Triangle) on your back so that you can feel your retirement style is the right one for you.
*This is the final seminar of the year. Limited seats available. Seats are only on a first come first serve basis.
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Check out our last seminar photos.

=> Click here for the sign up link: (Retirement Secure Seminar) <=