If you are in cash this year, you would have beaten the market. Congratulations! However, this does not mean you should keep your money as cash as inflation will erode the value of your money.
2022 is a rough year for the investment market. If you have invested in the STI for the past 1 year, you would have achieve no movement at all.
If you have invested in other markets, then you are most likely seeing a red in your portfolio.
If you are new to Supplementary Retirement Sum (SRS), please start here.
Disclaimer: This article is not and should not be taken as a buy/sell/hold recommendation.
My Thoughts and Consideration
SGX:HST continues to face downward pressure as Beijing’s zero-Covid pursuit, regulatory crackdowns and tensions with the West have led to a US$5 trillion rout in Chinese stocks since early 2021. I have averaged down (why DCA is not working on China’s stocks?) once in March 2022 and will be having a hold approach for this counter for now.
SGX: BTOU slides even further in the last quarter. I believe the main reason is because the FED has raise interest rates to combat inflation. This has made borrowing more expensive and may be a cause of concern for investors. However, it is worth noting the Fixed Rates Loans makes up 85.7% of their debt profile as of 30 June 2022 and isn’t a great cause of concern. BTOU is in a midst of transformation as explained in June 2022. I will be reading closely to this in the quarters ahead.
SGX: ME8U is a new entry into the SRS portfolio. I was eyeing Mapletree Industrial Trust for a long time. It was a stock that I was interested in even before COVID-19. MIT’s property portfolio comprises of 143 properties ranging from light industrial buildings, stack-up buildings, flatted factories, business park buildings, Hi-Tech building and recently data centers.
Mapletree Industrial Trust portfolio growth in IPO has been amazing with a new position into Data Centre. Looking forward to its’ performance in the years to come.
I have also invested a small amount into a 3 year endowment with a guaranteed of 3%. As this is a very straightforward proposition, I will not be updating this particular segment.
Final Thoughts
Quarter 4 is the best time of the year to think about SRS contribution. The main reason for SRS contribution is to reduce your tax payable for your FY2022. You then need to consider the investment portion thereafter. I will be running a webinar on SRS tax reduction in the months ahead.
Do comment below and I will individually send you an invite for the event.
Meanwhile, take care and hope you are well.
Chengkok is a licensed Financial Services Consultant since 2012. He is an Investment and Critical Illness Specialist. Wealthdojo was created in 2019 to educate and debunk “free financial advice” that was given without context.
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